With the dark mornings and evenings now here, you may find your motivation to get out and exercise start to dwindle.
Many of us struggle to manage our weight during the winter months and find our mental health often takes a dive. So, keeping healthy and getting out and about in the winter months will help combat this.
How to Improve – and Stick to – a Winter Fitness Regime
As the nights draw in, the air gets cooler, and rain replaces the sunshine, it can be difficult to motivate yourself to stick to a fitness plan or exercise regime.
Here are a few tips to keep you on the right track…
Set realistic goals
With the rise in social media influencers covering our newsfeeds, it’s sometimes difficult to take a step back and realise we can’t compare ourselves to one another. Setting realistic goals based on your own abilities and what outcomes you want is vital in maintaining your fitness regime.
Workout with your friends
Motivation from others will always help you stick to your exercise, as well as making it a great time to socialise. You can also involve some friendly competition between yourselves by syncing fitness watches or tracking each other’s progress.
Find exercises you enjoy
It has to be said, not everyone likes the sound of running on a treadmill for 40 minutes every day. Find exercises or fitness classes you enjoy, and feel happy taking part in. This will work as a natural motivator for you.
Remember to rest
A crucial part of any fitness regime is taking time to rest and rejuvenate the body. This is especially important if you’re just starting to work out again after a significant time off. Listen to your body and what it needs and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to work out every day.
Make a timetable
Whether it’s trips to the gym, a run around the local park, or a Zoom fitness class at home, schedule the time to do so to ensure you stick to it. Getting into a consistent routine will not only improve your motivation but will ensure you also make time for other activities elsewhere in your week.
Think about what time you’re working out
With the colder months rolling in rapidly, this can take a toll on your willingness to work out in the evenings. If you work long hours, a fitness workout at the end of your day when it’s already dark outside may be the last thing on your mind.
Try working out at different times of the day
Whether it’s in the morning, just on weekends, or even during your lunch break, varying your times can help immensely. This way, you’ll get a feel of what works best for you without confining yourself to the evenings.
Don’t forget to stretch
Alongside the cold weather comes the greater risk of injury. The cooler temperatures mean your muscles become even tighter, which makes stretching before workouts that much more important.
Maintain a healthy diet
With a great fitness regime must come a balanced and healthy diet. By swapping out junk food, processed sugars and unhealthy fats for fresh fruit and veg, lean proteins and whole grains, you’ll have more energy and be able to recover better after exercising.
Create a new playlist
The change in seasons and weather calls for a new workout playlist. Fill your Spotify or Apple music with your favourite, uplifting tracks to help boost your mood while working out.
Get outside while you still can
Although winter is on its way, it’s still a decent temperature to enjoy nature and the fresh outdoors. Why not take a walk? It’s a great way to exercise, de-stress and spend time with loved ones.
Exercise is one of the easiest ways to improve and maintain your overall physical fitness, so you shouldn’t neglect it just because it’s getting colder and darker. As a bare minimum, you should aim to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, which leaves you slightly out of breath, at least three times a week, on different days. It really doesn’t matter what you do – walking, dancing, playing with the kids or even housework. The key is to raise your heart rate, get the blood pumping and get moving.
Eating the right foods will also help, although the odd treat every now and then will help you stay motivated, though. However, if you’re worried that your diet might not be providing the nutrition you need, then natural supplements can help you top up any shortfall.