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Five surprising health benefits of liquid chlorophyll

Five surprising health benefits of liquid chlorophyll
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Five surprising health benefits of liquid chlorophyll

Liquid chlorophyll is a supplement that has been used for decades to provide health benefits.

It’s a natural substance found in all leafy vegetables and other plants, like algae. Chlorophyll is the compound that gives plants their green colour.

It has powerful, health-boosting properties. It’s the pigment in plants that harnesses the sun’s energy in photosynthesis. It performs metabolic functions in plants, such as respiration and growth. The health benefits of this substance include helping with weight loss, energy levels, increased blood flow, and improved vision.

It has increased in popularity over the past several years, with many people taking it as a health supplement due to the potential benefits. The plant-based supplement can lower your risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol, reducing inflammation, and strengthening your cardiovascular system. It can help improve digestion and the absorption of nutrients and boost your immune system. It can also help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels to prevent the onset of diabetes or manage it better if you have the condition already.

Here, we take a closer look at some of the benefits of liquid chlorophyll and how you can get more into your diet.

Healthy benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll

Green vegetables such as broccoli, kale and spinach are all great sources of chlorophyll to include in your diet. It’s often the case that, although you may add our leafy greens into most meals, you still may not be getting enough chlorophyll for your body. That’s where liquid chlorophyll and other chlorophyll supplements come in.

Skin Benefits

Chlorophyll has been shown to reduce inflammation and bacterial growth in wounds when applied topically. Another study found that people who suffer from acne and large pores saw improvements after using chlorophyll gel.

Blood builder

Liquid chlorophyll is often linked with treating haemoglobin deficiencies. Haemoglobin is found in red blood cells. It transports oxygen around the body. Liquid chlorophyll can potentially increase the number of red blood cells as well as improve their quality. This means people with conditions such as anaemia find their symptoms are eased when they use chlorophyll supplements.

Natural deodorant

The use of chlorophyllin to reduce certain body odours dates back to the 1940s. Although these studies are outdated and show mixed results, a more recent study found that people with trimethylaminuria (a condition that causes a fishy odour) have decreased amounts of trimethylamines after using chlorophyllin.

Diabetes treatment

Diabetes is a chronic and sometimes life-threatening condition that affects the body’s ability to produce or use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps cells in your body turn sugar into energy. A person with diabetes either doesn’t produce enough insulin or can’t process it properly, which means sugar builds up in their bloodstream instead of getting used as energy. Long-term, this can lead to weight, circulation, heart and nervous system problems. Chlorophyll is also helpful with diabetes management. It improves insulin resistance and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Boost your immune system

With the colder months rolling in, ensuring your immune system is at its strongest is crucial. Chlorophyll can stimulate bone marrow and the production of white blood cells, which in turn protect our bodies from illness.

Are there any drawbacks to taking Liquid Chlorophyll?

Those who have an excessive intake of chlorophyll supplements are also more likely to experience digestive issues, such as stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhoea. This is because too much chlorophyll can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb magnesium, which is necessary for healthy bowel function.

How to take Liquid Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll supplements are often used to support digestion and the function of the digestive organs, including the liver, and also to support energy and immunity. It’s usually measured using a dropper tool that comes in the bottle or with a teaspoon. If you’re new to taking the supplement, it may be better to start with a smaller dosage and work your way up to a teaspoon if you’re not fond of the taste.

We would recommend mixing 5ml of our Liquid Chlorophyll with water, juice or a smoothie twice daily. However, it’s vital to remember that supplements like these should not fully replace a balanced diet. As we mentioned previously, there are several foods you can eat that are also high in chlorophyll.

Leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach, and lettuce are excellent sources. Other vegetables such as sweet potatoes, broccoli, and asparagus have smaller amounts of chlorophyll. In addition, some plant-based drinks have been marketed as being high in chlorophyll. These include wheatgrass juice and barley grass juice.

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